Thursday, July 12, 2012

Digging for Treasure

After missing four days of digging due to rain, it was great to be back on the job today. The sun made appearances throughout the day, but more importantly, it didn't rain! Today's assignment was a mystery area. I was digging in what appears to be a dumping ground of sorts. It is right up against a wall of sorts, but is missing the usual trench in between the two. It didn't take long before I started to find things.


First up was a bit of pottery that appears to be the base of a small pot, perhaps used for incense.

Not long after finding that, I noticed the lip of a pot protruding from the hard mud-like earth. It helped that I had processed some previous finds during our indoor rainy days.


I proceeded cautiously...

...and this is what came out.



As I contined to dig in the same area, I found a few more pieces most likely from the same pot. After digging most of the day in the same area, I hit the jackpot.


This pottery sherd has wonderful grooves in it, which usually help in identifying the piece in question. Not long after I found it, the manager of the entire excavation happened to make a rare walk through the site while we were working. My supervisor encouraged me to show the piece to him, as he is also a world-renowned expert in Roman pottery. After examining it with everyone watching and waiting, he said, "I'm baffled." After he left the site, I did my happy digger/I stumped the experts dance!



It was a very successful day. Here is what one areas finds tray looked like at the end of the day.

Lots of bone, pottery, tile, a bit of iron, and a brass piece from perhaps a belt. This will dry overnight, be cleaned, identified, and recorded, if deemed of any value.


  1. Nice work Christie! Love the happy dance, it sounds like it was well deserved. You go girl!!

  2. I took some razzing that I was wearing "washing up" gloves, but my True Blues were impenetrable!
